Friday, December 6, 2013

Radiant Orchid Fruit Mad Monkeys!

We mourn the death of Nelson Mandela in sad celebration, and a spirit of re-commitment to ending injustice throughout the world. It is being covered everywhere. 

monkeyFruit-mad South American monkeys

Dan Kilian - Se7en

Black Sabbath Trashed

"Trashed" is a single from the album Born Again, by the heavy metal band Black Sabbath. It is the first song of the album, and one of the first songs by the Gillan Sabbath lineup.

"Trashed" relates how Gillan crashed Ward's car during an alcohol-fuelled race around the grounds of the recording studio. Ian Gillan recounts:
“I did have a small mishap though; having clipped a pile of tyres on a previous lap, I ran over one of them on the next and was instantly flipped, skidding and spinning upside down at a high speed and for a great distance along the road, until I stopped eventually, inches short of the swimming pool.

The track also gained some controversy, as it was featured in the PMRC "Filthy Fifteen" list. They claimed the song was about drug and alcohol abuse. This is ironic, considering that it was in fact a warning against driving under the influence. The PMRC might have managed to listen to the song before condeming it, but the publicity resulted in an increase in album sales for many of the bands on the list. --wiki

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